PICOC Program for Multiple Milight Gateways

PICOC Program for Multiple Milight Gateways

As I didn't want to install a Raspberry along Loxone but still wanted the Full RGBWW support of Milight I wrote this PicoC

It supports full Lumitech and Dimmer input as well as an Alarm mode for the "Disco Flashing Red"

It also support delayed switch off for the power supply in order to speedup power on

Step-by-step guide

Load the PICOC code

Change NB_GW  to reflect the number of Milight Gateways in your System

Adapt sessExp, sess1, sess2, sessSeq by adding or removing zeroes

Change "NB_DEV" to reflect the # of Milight groups you want to control (Max 12)

Change devGrp values to match the Milight Group to the "Milight Gateway Group number" (1 to 4 per Gateway)

Change devGw values to assign the Milight Group to a Gateway

Optionally assign outputs to Virtual output controlling power for the Milight Group

Adapt inpType to reflech the type to each input

Select the desired Light circuit in "Lighting Controller" to match "inpType" assigned to the input

Link to an input of the PICOC.


// Seconds before shutting off the Power supply after light turned off
#define SECS_BEFORE_OFF 20

// Number of Milight groups
#define NB_DEV 8
// GroupId on the Midlight Gateway per output
char devGrp[NB_DEV] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

// Number of Milight Gateways
#define NB_GW 2
// Milight Gateway id per output
char devGw[NB_DEV] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 };

#define W_MARK 200000000

unsigned short bitMasks[] = { 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x00010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x1000 };
unsigned short outStates = 0;

#define M_UNK -1
#define M_OFF 0
#define M_RGB 1
#define M_WHITE 2
#define M_ALARM 3

// Current state of the Milight output
char devMode[NB_DEV] = { M_UNK, M_UNK, M_UNK, M_UNK, M_UNK, M_UNK, M_UNK, M_UNK };
char devBri[NB_DEV];
char devHue[NB_DEV];
char devKelSat[NB_DEV];

// ------------ Gateway data, adapt if you change NB_GW

unsigned int sessExp[NB_GW] = { 0, 0 };
char sess1[NB_GW] = { 0, 0 };
char sess2[NB_GW] = { 0, 0 };
char sessSeq[NB_GW] = { 0, 0 };


#define SIZE_BLOCK 350
char *tblHex = "0123456789ABCDEF";

void printBlock(char *prefix, char *data, int size)
char block[SIZE_BLOCK + 2];

sprintf(block, prefix, size);
int hdrLen = strlen(block);

int maxSize = (SIZE_BLOCK - hdrLen) / 3;
if (size > maxSize) size = maxSize;

char *out = &block[hdrLen];
while(size > 0) {
*out++ = ' ';
char val = *data++;
*out++ = tblHex[(val >> 4) & 0xF];
*out++ = tblHex[val & 0xF];
*out++ = '\n';
*out++ = 0;

//-------------- Send UDP payload and read reply

int UDPOutIn(char gwId, char *outData, int outSize, char *inData, int *inSize, int inTimeout) {

// if (DEBUG_LEV) printBlock("IN : %d -", outData, outSize);

char *gwURL;
switch(gwId) {
case 0:
gwURL = "/dev/udp/";

case 1:
gwURL = "/dev/udp/";

STREAM *Socket = stream_create(gwURL,0,0);
if (Socket == NULL) {
printf("Can t create UDP session to %s", gwURL);
return -997;

stream_write(Socket, outData, outSize);

*inSize = stream_read(Socket, inData, *inSize, inTimeout);


// if (DEBUG_LEV) printBlock("OUT : %d -", inData, *inSize);

return 0;

//-------------- Send command to Gateway, manage Sessions

#define SIZE_BUF 32

char HELLO[] = { 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x16, 0x02, 0x62, 0x3A, 0xD5, 0xED, 0xA3, 0x01, 0xAE, 0x08, 0x2D, 0x46, 0x61, 0x41, 0xA7, 0xF6, 0xDC, 0xAF, 0xD3, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E };
// Command to send : 0xF0 Session, 0xF1 Seq#, 0xF2: Actual Command, 0xF3 Group, 0xF4 CRC
char CMD[] = { 0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x11,0xF0,0xF0,0x00,0xF1,0x00,0x31,0x00,0x00,0x08,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF3,0x00,0xF4 };

int sendCmd(unsigned short devId, char *cmd) {
char buffer[SIZE_BUF];
int ret = 0;
int outSize;

char gwId = devGw[devId];
if (sessExp[gwId] < now) {
// printf("Session expired %d s. ago. %d\n", sessExp[gwId] - now, gwId);

outSize = SIZE_BUF;
ret = UDPOutIn(gwId, HELLO, sizeof(HELLO), buffer, &outSize, 500);
if (ret != 0 || outSize <= 20) {
printf("ERROR : getting Milight session err: %d,%d,%d", ret, outSize, gwId);
return -996;
sess1[gwId] = buffer[19];
sess2[gwId] = buffer[20];

// printf("Got session %x%x %d,%d\n", sess1[gwId], sess2[gwId], sessExp[gwId], devId);
sessExp[gwId] = now + 60;

CMD[5] = sess1[gwId];
CMD[6] = sess2[gwId];
CMD[8] = ++sessSeq[gwId];

int crc = 0x39; // Precalulated from 0x31,0x00,0x00,0x08
char *out = &CMD[14];
char *endCmd = &cmd[5];
while(cmd != endCmd) {
char byte = *cmd++;
*out++ = byte;
crc += ((int)byte) & 0xFF;
*out++ = devGrp[devId];
crc += devGrp[devId];
*++out = crc;

outSize = SIZE_BUF;
ret = UDPOutIn(gwId, CMD, 22, buffer, &outSize, 200);
if (ret != 0 || outSize < 8 || buffer[7] != 0) {
printf("ERROR : Sending command : %d,%d,%d\n", ret, buffer[7], devId);
sessExp[gwId] = 0;

return ret;

//-------------- Send Command whith 2 retries in case of error

int sendCommand(unsigned short devId, char *cmd) {
int ret;
unsigned short count = 3;
while(count--) {
ret = sendCmd(devId, cmd);
if (ret == 0) break;
printf("Error : retrying : %d - %d\n", devId, ret);
return ret;

//-------------- Turn off output devices

void delayedTurnOff() {

unsigned short devId = NB_DEV;
while(devId != 0) {
if (now >= nextOffTimes[--devId]) {
// printf("OFF %d\n", devId);
setoutput(devId, 0);
nextOffTimes[devId] = NEVER;

//-------------- Manage power

void setOutputs(unsigned short devId, char onOff) {

// printf("Output %d to %d\n", devId, onOff);

int mask = bitMasks[devId];
if (outStates & mask) {
if (!onOff) {
outStates = outStates & ~mask;
nextOffTimes[devId] = now + SECS_BEFORE_OFF;
} else {
if (onOff) {
outStates |= mask;
if (nextOffTimes[devId] == NEVER) {
// printf("ON %d\n", devId);
setoutput(devId, 1);
// printf("Sleeping for warmup\n");
now = getcurrenttime();
// printf("Warmed !\n");
} else nextOffTimes[devId] = NEVER;

char ON[] = { 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
char OFF[] = { 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// Blinking red
char ALARM[] = { 0x06, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// BrightNess (0xFF -> hex values 0x00 to 0x64 : examples: 00 = 0%, 19 = 25%, 32 = 50%, 4B, = 75%, 64 = 100%)
char BRIGHT[] = { 0x03, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// Kelvin (0xFF -> hex values 0x00 to 0x64 : examples: 00 = 2700K (Warm White), 19 = 3650K, 32 = 4600K, 4B, = 5550K, 64 = 6500K (Cool White))
char KELVIN[] = { 0x05, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// Saturation (0xFF -> hex values 0x00 to 0x64 : examples: 00 = 0%, 19 = 25%, 32 = 50%, 4B, = 75%, 64 = 100%)
char SAT[] = { 0x02, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// Set Hue to Blue 0xFF -> hex values 0x00 to 0xFF : examples : 0xFF = Red, D9 = Lavender, BA = Blue, 85 = Aqua, 7A = Green, 54 = Lime, 3B = Yellow, 1E = Orange
char HUE[] = { 0x01, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

void off(unsigned short devId) {
if (devBri[devId] > 15) {
BRIGHT[1] = 0;
sendCommand(devId, BRIGHT); // Dim color to 0 to avoid flash when turning on
sendCommand(devId, OFF);
setOutputs(devId, 0);
devMode[devId] = M_OFF;


unsigned char setMode(unsigned short devId, unsigned short mode) {

setOutputs(devId, 1);
if (devMode[devId] == mode) return 0;

if (devMode[devId] != M_OFF) {
BRIGHT[1] = 0;
sendCommand(devId, BRIGHT); // Dim to 0 to avoid flash
} else sendCommand(devId, ON);
devMode[devId] = mode;
return 1;


void setAlarm(unsigned short devId) {
setMode(devId, M_ALARM);
sendCommand(devId, ALARM);
BRIGHT[1] = 100;
sendCommand(devId, BRIGHT);


void setWhite(unsigned short devId, unsigned short bri, unsigned short kel) {

// printf("White %d, %d\n", kel, bri);

if (bri != 0) {
if (setMode(devId, M_WHITE)) devBri[devId] = devKelSat[devId] = M_UNK;

if (kel != devKelSat[devId]) {
// printf("KELVIN %x\n", kel);
devKelSat[devId] = KELVIN[1] = kel;
sendCommand(devId, KELVIN);
if (bri != devBri[devId]) {
// printf("BRIGHTNESS %x\n", bri);
devBri[devId] = BRIGHT[1] = bri;
sendCommand(devId, BRIGHT);
} else off(devId);


void setRGB(unsigned short devId, unsigned short r, unsigned short g, unsigned short b) {
unsigned short bri,min,delta;

//-------------- convert RGB (0-100,0-100,0-100) to HSB (0-255,0-100,0-100)
if (r > g) bri = r;
else bri = g;
if (b > bri) bri = b;

if (r < g) min = r;
else min = g;
if (b < min) min = b;
delta = bri - min;

unsigned short sat = 100;
if (bri != 0) sat -= (delta * 100) / bri;

int hue = 0;
if (delta != 0) {
if (r != bri) {
if (g == bri) hue = 120 + (b - r) * 60 / delta;
else hue = 240 + (r - g) * 60 / delta;
} else hue = (g - b) * 60 / delta;
if (hue < 0) hue += 360;
hue = (hue * 255) / 360;

// printf("RGB : %d,%d,%d - HSB: %x,%x,%x\n", r, g, b, hue, sat, bri);

if (bri != 0) {
if (setMode(devId, M_RGB)) devBri[devId] = devKelSat[devId] = devHue[devId] = M_UNK;

if (devHue[devId] != hue) {
// printf("HUE %d\n", hue);
devHue[devId] = HUE[1] = HUE[2] = HUE[3] = HUE[4] = hue;
sendCommand(devId, HUE);
if (devBri[devId] != bri) {
// printf("BRIGHT %d\n", bri);
devBri[devId] = BRIGHT[1] = bri;
sendCommand(devId, BRIGHT);
if (devKelSat[devId] != sat) {
// printf("SAT %d\n", sat);
devKelSat[devId] = SAT[1] = sat;
sendCommand(devId, SAT);
} else off(devId);


#define I_NO 0
#define I_DIM 1
#define I_LUMI 2
#define I_ALARM 3

// Assign input type : Lumitech, Dimmer or Alarm
char inpType[13] = { I_DIM, I_DIM, I_DIM, I_DIM, I_DIM, I_DIM, I_DIM, I_DIM, I_NO, I_NO, I_NO, I_NO, I_ALARM };

#define NEVER 0x7FFFFFFF
unsigned int nextOffTimes[NB_DEV] = { NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER };
unsigned int now;

int burstCount = 0;

while(1) {
unsigned short inpId = 0;
now = getcurrenttime();
int evtMask = (getinputevent() >> 3) & 0x1FFF;
while(evtMask != 0){
int bitMask = bitMasks[inpId];
if (evtMask & bitMask) {
evtMask ^= bitMask;
int value = getinput(inpId);
switch(inpType[inpId]) {
case I_DIM:
setWhite(inpId, value, 20);

case I_LUMI:
// printf("Lumitech device %d to %d\n", inpId, value);

int val = value % W_MARK;
if (val == value) {
// RGB : 48040080 means R80% G40% B48%
unsigned short blue = val / 1000000;
val -= blue * 1000000;
unsigned short green = val / 1000;
setRGB(inpId, val - green * 1000, green, blue);
} else {
// White mode -> 201004210 means 100% 4210K (2700k to 6500k)
setWhite(inpId, val / 10000, ((val % 10000) - 2700) / 38);
case I_ALARM:
for(inpId = 0; inpId < NB_DEV; inpId++) {
if (value) setAlarm(inpId);
else setWhite(inpId, 0, 20);
burstCount += 10;


if (burstCount) {
else sleep(300);


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