Rules for this Wiki

General rules

  • Documentation in Loxwiki has to be neutral and objective. Loxwiki is not a discussion platform - for discussions (also about articles) please use loxforum.

  • This area of Loxwiki is conducted in English.

  • This is not a place for individual opinions but for usable facts.

  • Loxwiki is readable for everyone. To create or change articles, please register.

  • Before you create a new article, please use the search. If the same or a similar article already exists, edit and extend the existing article. 

  • Advertising is prohibited. Usable links to single products in context to an article are allowed.

  • It is forbidden to copy content from other sources to Loxwiki, except it is your own content. But it is allowed to link to external sources.

  • It is allowed to create new articles with translations of German Loxwiki articles, and vice versa. In the translated article, please create a link to the original article for reference.

Licenses to be used

  • Every published code, excerpts of code and Loxone Config examples is published under the Simple Public License (SimPL-2.0), or in another corresponding public license.

  • Code and config examples that are not under Simple Public License (SimPL-2.0), or in another corresponding public license, are not allowed to be published in Loxwiki. 

  • The Simple Public License (SimPL-2.0) is also used for all other content that is published in Loxwiki, especially circuit and print layouts, and manuals.

Wiki article structure

Please use the existing pages and structure for orientation, also from the German Loxwiki. If something is missing in the current structure, please contact the moderators.

Disclaimer and Links

  • Loxwiki is not responsible in any way, for damage caused from incomplete, wrong or wrongly interpreted articles and documentations. 

  • Loxwiki, the administrators and article authors are not liable for incorrect information, but will correct or delete incorrect information as soon as they get noted,  

  • For all external links in this Wiki: The LoxWiki Administrators have no influence about content and design of external websites. Addiditonal, external websites may be changed by their operators without our knowledge. Therefore, the Loxwiki administrators explicitly renounce from all content on external websites linked from Loxwiki. This statement is meant to be used for all external links and their content, also in graphics, logos and pictures. If something offends against copyrights or trademarks, these links will be removed as fast as possible after your hint sent to the Administrators. 

The rules in german language: Regeln für das Wiki

@Christian Fenzl Translation of the rules