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titleNur per HTTPS möglich

Der Abruf der Daten ist ausschließlich  über , seit 7.November 2022, nur noch über HTTPS möglich!

Dies ist auf dem Miniserver V2 oder Miniserver Compact direkt möglich. Der Miniserver V1 hat hierfür keine Untersützung, eine Anbindung ist jedoch z.B. Loxberry HTTP2HTTPS Plugin möglich.

Hier die Info von Weather Underground:

API Call Requirements Change -- 7 Nov 2022

Status: Aktuell
Short Summary: The Weather Company will be deprecating support of API requests using http, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 protocols on November 7, 2022. After this date, API requests using http and TLS versions prior to 1.2 will fail. This action is being taken to ensure the highest levels of encryption and security for our systems. This means that all API calls for PWS data MUST be made with https. Basic information about TLS protocols may be found here: This will most likely impact those who use old software to download data FROM Weather Underground. There should be no impacts to uploading data TO Weather Underground. If you are encountering problems, the first step should be to see if there are new versions of the software/firmware you are using. Make sure all API calls begin with https://
Details: The Weather Company will be deprecating support of API requests using http, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 protocols on November 7, 2022. After this date, API requests using http and TLS versions prior to 1.2 will fail. This action is being taken to ensure the highest levels of encryption and security for our systems. This means that all API calls for PWS data MUST be made with https. Basic information about TLS protocols may be found here:

Die Webview von Wunderground nutzt diverse Webservices um die Daten für die aktuelle Ansicht zu erhalten. Einige davon liefern als Antwort ein JSON, welches wiederum in Loxone verarbeitet werden können:
