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titlePlease note

This automation controls Daikin AC unit over WiFi, but most probably may be used with over AC units controlled in any way (WiFi, Modbus, KNX). Integration of AC unit into Loxone is beyond scope of this document. If you have Daikin Air Condition Unit, please see my integration How-To here: of Daikin Air Conditioning over WiFi


My cooling automation consists of two diagrams - this is the first of them. It includes the logic part (execution part is on the other page). Details of this diagram will be shown on image below, but in general IRC block is the central element here and it is linked to Climate Controler block. CC controls power state of the unit, and the IRC controls fan rate and target temperature. However all those three controls are not sent directly to Daikn, but modified by my logic instead.


The other page is an execution part. Blocks listed here in general are responsible for passing signals to the MQTT broker, which is used by ioBroker that directly communicates with the Daikin WiFi controller. These blocks have visualization enabled what provides manual override for automation. This integration is described in detailed here.

The C2 control output is 0-10. Assigning these values in proportion to Daikin's fan rates 1-5 is not optimal as the IRC often outputs 10 and then the AC unit runs on 5th gear making a lot of noise. It seems completely unnecessary if there is i.e. only 0.4 degrees left to the comfort temperature. After a few trials and errors, I developed an algorithm for scaling C2 output by a factor depending on the difference between the actual and target temperature (Tc). So the closer to Tc, the less noise can Daikin make. However, I left it some minimal range (gears 1-3) because the controller that uses fuzzy logic would probably go crazy if suddenly the control became very ineffective. I've planed this logic in Excel first:
