Versionen im Vergleich


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Complete list of Virtual Inputs and Virtual Outputs I have used here and MQTT topics assigned to them. In the last column of the table I provide some key parameters, expected values and other important notes. The only VI that I did not use in my diagram is Daikin targetHum - it has a base value of 50% and IMO does not require modification.

Virtual Input

MQTT topic (for command recognition)

Expected Values

Daikin indoorTemp


analog, deg C

Daikin outdoorTemp


analog, deg C

Daikin targetTemp


analog, deg C

Daikin targetHum


analog, % hum

Daikin power


0=off, 1=on

Daikin mode


1=auto, 2=dehumi, 3=cold, 4=hot, 6=fan

Daikin fanRate


1=Auto, 2=Silence, 3=Level1, 4=Level2, 5=Level3, 6=Level4, 7=Level5
Please mind: A converted to 1, B converted to 2; Conversion done @ MQTT Gateway LoxBerry plugin

Daikin fanDirection


0=stopped, 1=horizontal, 2=vertical, 3=both

Daikin specPowerful


0=off, 1=on

Daikin specEcono


0=off, 1=on

Virtual Output

MQTT topic  (for command output)


Daikin targetTemp

loxone/daikin/0/control/targetTemperature <v>

analog output; value temp deg C (18-31)

Daikin power

loxone/daikin/0/control/power 1
loxone/daikin/0/control/power 0

Command for ON
Command for OFF

Daikin mode auto

loxone/daikin/0/control/mode 1

Daikin mode dehumi

loxone/daikin/0/control/mode 2

Daikin mode cold

loxone/daikin/0/control/mode 3

Daikin mode hot

loxone/daikin/0/control/mode 4

Daikin mode fan

loxone/daikin/0/control/mode 6

Daikin fanRate auto

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate A

Daikin fanRate silence

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate B

Daikin fanRate level1

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate 3

Daikin fanRate level2

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate 4

Daikin fanRate level3

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate 5

Daikin fanRate level4

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate 6

Daikin fanRate level5

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanRate 7

Daikin fanDirection

loxone/daikin/0/control/fanDirection <v>

analog output; 0=stopped, 1=vertical, 2=horizontal, 3=both

Daikin specPowerful

loxone/daikin/0/control/specialPowerful 1
loxone/daikin/0/control/specialPowerful 0

Command for ON
Command for OFF

Daikin specEcono

loxone/daikin/0/control/specialEcono 1
loxone/daikin/0/control/specialEcono 0

Command for ON
Command for OFF


As a bonus, i present my proprietary condensate removal system! It was not appropriate to drop the condensate from my loggia on peoples head, so I had to figure something out. Forging in walls of half of my flat was not an option, so the condensate line had to go outside to loggia, then return inside under the radiator and from there a small water-filtration-type hose (ext. fi 6 mm) stuck to the slats goes for 12 meters to the kitchen, where it goes under the cupboards and eventually goes to the siphon under the sink. Generally it is quite a long story not finished with full success but after long experiments I managed to build this:
