Versionen im Vergleich


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Damit sieht man immer den Rang des aktuellen Preises in den nächsten X Stunden (bzw. den Rang in allen kommenden vorhandenen Stunden (bis 24:00 bzw. ab 14:00 bis nächster Tag 24:00) bzw. den Rang am heutigen Tag).

Möchte man das Auto z.B. 5h bis zum gewünschten Zeitpunkt laden, dann einfach dann, wenn der Rang <= 5 ist.


// This pico-c program returns the rank of the current energy price in the next nrHours.
// This is useful if you want to e.g. charge your car for 5 hours over night until 7AM:
// just call this program with the number of hours until 7AM and check if the result is <= 5
// Note: Change "" to "" when you are in Germany
// Apache License 2.0
// v0.13

// input0 = number of hours to check rank of current price
// output0 = current price
// output1 = rank of current price in given numbers of hours to check (1-based)
// output2 = rank of current price in all available prices (1-based
// output3 = rank of current price in todays prices (1-based

// NOTE: change "" to "" if you are in Germany

//get the rank of a given price in an array of prices up to maxRank
int getRank(float price, int maxRank, float *prices) {
	int   n; // counter for hours
	int   newn;
	int   i; // counter
	float tmpPrice;
	int   rank;

	//bubble sort the first nHours prices 
    for (n = maxRank-1; n>0; n = newn) {
        newn = 0;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            if (prices[i] > prices[i+1]) {
            	tmpPrice = prices[i+1];
            	prices[i+1] = prices[i];
            	prices[i] = tmpPrice;
                newn = i;

	//determine the rank of the current price amongst the first nHours of the sorted prices
	rank = maxRank;
	for (i=0; i<maxRank; i++) {
		if (price == prices[i]) {
			rank =return i+1;

	return rankmaxRank;

//declaration of all variables outside of loop to prevent out-of-memory errors
int nrHours; // number of hours to take into account
char* webContent; //content of https
char* marketprice; //marketprice content of https
char  hournum[4233]; //string to search for in webContent to get the marketprice of a specific hour
float prices[3435]; // prices according to aWATTar API - up to 3435 hours including current hour (API returns prices until EOD up to 14:00, later until end of next day)
float currentPrice; // the current price i.e. the price of the 0th hour
int   n; // counter for hours

//for testing with pico-c interpreter see
//though most functions will not work in interpreter

getinputevent(); //to clear buffer of changed inputs (to not run the loop twice)
while(TRUE) {
    sleeps(30); //sleep some seconds to not fetch data again while input still changes and get correct data when aWATTar is late

	if (getinput(0)<0 || getinput(0)>34) {
		errorprintf("ERROR: PicoC aWATTar price rank - illegal number of hours to check (%d)\n", getinput(0));

	webContent = httpget("", "/v1/marketdata/current.yaml?tomorrow=include"); //fetch all available data
	//fill marketprice array
	for (n=0; n<34n<35; n++) {
		sprintf(hournum, "data_price_hour_rel_+%02d_amount: ", n);
		marketprice = strstrstrstrskip(webContent, hournum);
		if (marketprice == 0) break;
		prices[n] = atof(marketprice+32); //fetch value after search-string "date_price_..."
	currentPrice = prices[0];
	setoutput(0, currentPrice);

	if (getinput(0) < n) {
		nrHours = getinput(0)+1;
	} else {
		nrHours = n;

	setoutput(1, getRank(currentPrice, nrHours, prices));
	setoutput(2, getRank(currentPrice, n, prices));

	//find rank of currentPrice on this day
	for (n=0; n<24; n++) {
		sprintf(hournum, "price_threshold_%02d: ", n);
		marketprice = strstrskip(webContent, hournum);
		if (marketprice == 0) break;
		if (atof(marketprice) == currentPrice) {
			setoutput(3, n+1);


	//sleep until next hour (or nrHours changes) so we need to fetch only once an hour 
	while(getcurrenttime()%3600 && !getinputevent()) {

