Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  • First create a Virtual UDP input
  • Give this input a name and a port number
  • Next create a Virtual UDP input command
  • Give it a Name, select "Use as Digital input" & set as Command recognition "Person_1".
    The loxClock app will send an UDP Package containing "Person_X"at the moment your alarm goes off on your phone.
    If you want, you can perform certain actions based on this pulse.

    For each person you need to cerate a Virtual UDP input command. Only the command recognition needs to be changed. (Person_2, Person_3, ...).

  • Create a second Virtual UDP input command.
    Fill in the Name, remove checkmark for "use as digital iput",  set as Command_recognition "\v_1" and change the Unit to <v>
    For each person you need to create a Virtual UDP input command. Only the command recognition needs to be changed. (\v_2, \v_3, ...).

    This UDP package will contain the next scheduled alarm in seconds.

  • Your overview within "Virtual inputs" should look something like:
